August 26, 2022

Maintaining Your BullFrog Spa

Your hot tub takes care of you by providing a rejuvenating place to escape right at home. Like many, you want your soothing oasis to perform optimally so it’s always ready when you are. To function properly, your BullFrog Spa will require straightforward hot tub maintenance. 

Luckily, BullFrog designs each model with you in mind. Keeping your spa in great working order is not overly-complicated, and you’ll be amazed at what items you can check off the list in just a few minutes. With simple maintenance procedures, you can extend the life of your portable hot tub by several years. Here, we’ll cover everything from ‘how to clean a hot tub’ to how to maintain a balance in your water’s chemical makeup so you can enjoy dips in your BullFrog spa for many years to come. 

Hot Tub Maintenance Schedule

How Often Do I Clean and Maintain My Spa?

How often to perform maintenance on your hot tub is dependent on the procedure being performed. 

Before Each Use

Measure the water’s alkalinity. This is done by dipping a test strip into the water (which you can purchase through Robert Allen Pools) and checking that the reading falls between 80ppm and 120ppm. If the alkalinity is too low, use a Total Alkalinity Increaser and follow the directions on the bottle to increase the level. If your alkalinity is too high, you may need to adjust with Alkalinity Decreaser.

Next, measure the water’s pH. Similar to testing alkalinity, you’ll use a pH indicator strip to see where your levels fall. It should be in the range of 7.2 - 7.8. Purchase a pH Increaser or Decreaser solution to address the any unbalanced water, while closely following the directions. Allow the water to circulate for a few hours or overnight before re-testing for more accurate readings. 

Sanitizing is another step to take before each use, as it helps keep your spa disinfected, clear, and smelling fresh. The two most common spa sanitizer types are Bromine and Chlorine. Our experts can help you decide which one is right for you. Factors like water clarity results, body reactivity, and ease of maintenance will play into your decision. Consult Robert Allen Pools to try out the two types and see how to introduce sanitizer into your spa’s water.


To keep your hot tub in great condition, clean the filter(s) about once a month. Remove the filters and spray them with a garden hose and nozzle. Work each fold from top to bottom. Body oils and lotions can accumulate in your filter, so you may want to soak the filter in warm water and an approved cleaning agent before hosing it down if you tend to apply sun tan lotion on the heavy side.

Portable Hot Tubs Reno

Cleaning your spa’s cover is also an essential maintenance item. Your cover keeps heat in and debris out. Applying an approved spa cover protecting finish will help to extend its life and withstand the elements.

Every 3-6 Months

Even with proper chemical use, your hot tub will need to be drained and refilled. Draining intervals depend on how much you use your tub, but shoot for every 3-6 months. To do so, turn off the power  to your tub at the breaker and remove the drain plug. (Be sure and Keep spa cover on during the draining and refilling process to ensure no damage is done to the spa’s shell) Drain the water into an appropriate area so as not to erode your soil or spill into your neighbor’s yard. Once empty, refill with a garden hose; simply place hose in the footwell of the spa. Test the water’s alkalinity and pH, taking the appropriate measures to dial them into the optimal ranges.

Once a Year

Swap in a new filter and have one of Robert Allen Pools’ certified technicians conduct a general service visit on your BullFrog Spa yearly. A fresh filter makes for a fresher spa. And when you’re ready for us to come out, give us a call. 

Join the BullFrog Community

If you own a BullFrog Spa, you know the pleasures that it brings to your life and yard. With simple maintenance measures, you can enjoy your investment for many years to come. If you’re considering ownership or have any questions, contact Robert Allen Pools; the only carrier of BullFrog Spas in the the Reno-Tahoe area.

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